
I have been pondering blogging all month. I felt like I didn’t have much to say. There hasn’t been any real excitement but I guess that is what happens after you come home from a trip. Daily life feels a little dull.

I always turn to my camera roll when I feel like every day is the same. Some of the highlights are:

  • I moved offices in September so now I have a view of the mountains instead of the freeway. I have enjoyed watching the leaves change colors and see the clouds move in and out.

  • Annual drive up Guardsman Pass to enjoy the fall colors. I was mentally preparing myself for all of Utah to be up the canyon but it wasn’t busier than normal which was really nice. We topped off the day by going to Granny’s Drive In and that place was packed. We didn’t anticipate for all of Heber to be at Granny’s but everyone was celebrating the beautiful weather with some ice cream. (We decided we like to visit Granny’s in the winter because they aren’t busy.)

  • Daily walks during work to help break up the day and enjoy the fall air. I’m glad I captured a picture of the flowers when I did because they are all torn up / cleaned up for winter now.

  • Observed the solar eclipse via shadows on the shed since I didn’t have the fun glasses.

  • Jared and I have been making an effort to do date nights each week. Some highlights areLagoon at night, R&R BBQ, and Top Golf. We did get to ride the new Lagoon Ride. It was enjoyable and had some fun surprises but I am a Wicked and Cannibal kind of girl. The last few times at Top Golf I have proved to not be terrible. I guess the three years of practice is finally paying off. Jennie even jokes that I should have golfed in high school/college.

  • To top off the month we went bowling on Halloween. Jared told me growing up they would bowl instead of going trick or treating. I thought that sounded like a great idea so we did just that. I actually had my best bowling game ever. I scored over 100 which is awesome for me since I typically average 60.

  • Pictures below feature Groot holding the Switch. Typically when the Switch ends up away from the normal dock it just lays on the chest of drawers. I thought I was a genius for making Groot hold it. I’m sure that seems dumb but it brought me a lot of joy so it deserves a spot on the blog.

  • Not pictured but I got my camera fixed. I had to take the camera into a Camera Shop and it felt like I left a part of my soul when I dropped it off. I haven’t used it much this year, as in hardly ever, but knowing it wasn’t at my house made me sad. Lucky for me it only took five days to get fixed so now I get to use my camera with the new lens cap. (It’s the Iris, IYKYK). I am going to try and use my camera more since I know that is a great creative outlet for me. I guess that is what this blog is as well. I guess they go hand in hand. The more photos I take, the more blog posts you’ll get.


I am sad


Alaska - 2023